Here are some ideas of what should be reflected on your CV:- 

  1. Professional Experience: Highlighting relevant job experience in healthcare, including positions held and responsibilities.
  2. Education: Detailing educational background, including degrees and certifications in healthcare-related fields.
  3. Skills: Listing specific skills and abilities that are relevant to the healthcare industry, such as patient care, communication, teamwork, and critical thinking.
  4. Awards and Recognition: Mentioning any awards or recognition received for professional excellence or service in the healthcare field.
  5. Professional Memberships: Indicating any professional memberships or affiliations with healthcare organizations.
  6. Volunteer Experience: Showcasing any volunteer experience in healthcare, such as working with underserved communities or participating in medical missions.
  7. Research and Publications: Including any research or publications related to healthcare, such as papers, posters, or presentations.
  8. Continuing Education: Listing any continuing education courses or workshops related to healthcare, to demonstrate a commitment to professional development.
  9. Licenses and Certifications: Listing any licenses and certifications relevant to healthcare.
  10. Personal statement: A brief personal statement that highlights the candidate’s passion and motivation to work in the healthcare field.

This Curriculum should be tailored to the specific role you are applying for and should be presented in a clear and organized manner.